I am grateful to be part of the team of wholistic practitioners at the Guelph Wellness House, a building which I affectionately nicknamed “Gertrude”.

I have moved from the drudgery of a mainstream job to a place where every day I am living my passion. Common highlights of my day include:

  • The excitement the client and I feel when they connect to their intuition.
  • The lightness a person feels after a burden they have carried for years is lifted.
  • The tears of joy that are shed when an individual actually sees and connects to themselves for the very first time.
  • The smiles that cross our faces after a family pattern is identified and cleared.

Now, I can honestly say that I love my life and I love what I do. I enjoy meeting people where they are and taking them the next steps along their healing journey. Every day brings me joy. I take pleasure in everything, like a warm sunny summer day, the purr of a kitten, the smell of flowers, the cool breeze on my face, a gentle bike ride, exploration of new places, spending time in nature.

It hasn’t always been that way. In my life, I have moved through many trials and tribulations. There have been periods of despair and despondency. Moving countries, lack of extended family and friends, abusive relationships, the end of a 17 year relationship, and physically being “the bubble girl” because my allergies were so severe.

If you feel you are ready to clear the old patterns, meet me for tea and let’s work together to take you to the next steps in your healing journey.


See Roxana’s Bio here